When To Consider In-Home Care
In today's world, older adults are embracing longer, more vibrant lives. While senior living communities have traditionally been seen as a solution, the evolving landscape calls for a more personalized approach. At HomeCare by Design we believe in empowering seniors to age gracefully in the comfort of their own homes. We understand that certain signs may indicate the need for support with daily activities, and our in-home care services offer a tailored solution that allows older adults to maintain their independence and receive the assistance they require. Discover the signs that it's time for a transition to in-home care and embark on a journey of enhanced well-being.
If you or your loved one answer yes to one or more of the following questions, it’s a good time to consider In-Home Care:
Changes in the Home Environment
Is their home in disarray, messier and/or more cluttered than normal? Dirty dishes and laundry piling up could be signs of decline in the elderly loved one. Scorched cookware could indicate that the older resident is forgetting when something is cooking on the stove until it burns. Expired food in the refrigerator also is a red flag of a possible safety issue. -
Weight loss or gain
Unintended weight loss and gain could suggest a poor diet, mobility problems, depression, dementia and other health issues. -
Medication Misuse
You can count the number of pills prescribed in a bottle and see how many of them have been taken to gain insight into whether your elderly parent is taking the right dosage of medicine on a regular basis. -
Unpaid bills
Bounced checks, late payment notices and expired registration on vehicles could be signs of trouble. -
Changes in Mood
Does your parent appear depressed and have little to no energy? Are they behaving differently towards their family members and friends? -
Physical Frailty
Even a parent who normally likes taking walks, playing golf or doing other activities will slow down at some point. But if you see parents struggling to walk up and down stairs, demonstrating an unbalanced gait while walking, or sitting in one spot for hours and then experiencing pain when they stand up, those could be symptoms of medical problems. -
Other Signs of Self Neglect
Failure to take essential medications or refusal to seek medical treatment for serious illness
Leaving a burning stove unattended
Poor hygiene
Not wearing suitable clothing for the weather
Inability to attend to housekeeping